5 Reasons that Fats Make Us Fat

#5. Higher in Calories At 9 calories per gram, it has more than double the calories of a gram of protein (4 calories per gram) or carbohydrate (3.75 calories per gram). Fat, protein and carbohydrate are the only kinds of constituents in...

Easiest Ways to Eat Less Fat

An American university research study, and other experiments, concluded that the taste for fatty foods can be disposed of very quickly. A thousand women reduced their fat intake to 25 percent or less (after a previous norm of about 40...

11 ways to get the lowest price on your next car

Are you thinking about getting a new car? We all know the intimidating prospect of buying something that will last you for years, because you do not want to make a grave mistake when purchasing and end up stuck with a car that you do not...

10 Common Mistakes that Attract Pests to Your Home

Pests are awful for every home owner. Those creepy crawlies start creating colonies as soon as they appear in your home, and you aren’t likely going to get rid of them that easily. We usually realize there are pests in our homes when it’s...

11 Mortgage Mistakes That Most People Make

Do you have spare 150 000 $ in your pocket? This is the amount of money one can easily overpay after taking the wrong kind of loan. Mortgage has both its good and bad sides. It allows us to acquire and live in our own house and stop...