Category - Entertainment

How to deal with holiday break up

We've all experienced the heartache of breaking up with someone, but when it happens on a holiday, it only feels a little deeper. You may have packed it, you're ready, just open it in January and come back. Mistletoe will no longer be...

9 simple ways to stay close in 2017

Happy 2017! I hope you've managed to control the hangover and start the year better than Maria Kelly. Now, Nai in backsight, you may be crazy about pumping and preparing to live your best life in the new year. If there are nine ways to...

How to deal with the inevitable 7 ways

To be sure, we are ready for the end of 2016. Some of us are really counting days, well, maybe 2017 will be the time. Naturally, because 2016 is a year of failure, we have lost so many great people, and the possibility of hype in New York...

What to do when your lover likes others

The thing about crushing is that they have the ability to really crush you. If your infatuation is not as vague as a friend, it will make you feel that the pit in your stomach will never disappear. Especially when you see someone you love...

Nine signs that your ex friend is squeezing you

Breaking up is never easy, especially when you are with their friends. Being single again will suddenly draw an invisible line. You are not sure whether you should cross this line, just like being friends with your ex boyfriend. Sometimes...

31 snowmen we want us to build

Snowman is the main food in winter. If you live in a place with a lot of snow, there is no doubt that you have made some in your life. The cool thing about snow is that you can shape it as you like, which means you don't always have to...

#The fbf9 TV program we dedicated to in 2016

Happy Friday! When you pop up an xanax, get ready to brave the mall to shop for your last minute holiday, spend some time kicking your feet and enjoy some high-quality shows. 2016 is quite a stable year for new TV. In this "FBF"...