Category - Entertainment

Interesting facts you don't know

Among all the upcoming teen movies, super bad movie is a time-honored movie. Three friends spent a happy and warm night on the way to the senior three party. However, no matter how many times you have seen this interesting movie, these 12...

Eight reasons to shake today's vote

Election day! In the chaos of the presidential campaign, the fight between Hillary and Donald Trump is almost over. Whether you're really interested in a candidate or still trying to decide, it's important that you vote! Here are eight...

The best Kylie Jenner quote

I'm sorry. I think Kelly Jenner is very good. When the haters continue to hate, Kelly has been living a cartoon life, saying funny things along the way. She took the criticism calmly and took a very strong dgaf attitude towards people's...

Nine ways to remain active to become a peacekeeper

There are many words that describe how most Americans feel after an election. I'll be shocked, upset, divided, confused, preached, completely broken. Social media has basically become a mine, because we've all done our best to figure out...

Skulls inspire Halloween

If you're like us in the dark side of life and Halloween, anything that causes goosebumps is great. There's no reason to say that skulls are very cool. Although we only have a few days left in October to enjoy them, we put together the way...

#Early one-way photos of FBF

Happy Friday to all directors! Well, maybe your favorite band is going through an endless hiatus. Maybe you can never give up your Larry shipper plot. Maybe "the best song in history" is still your ringtone. It's really cold. We...