That's why Justin and Selena should get back together


With the possibility of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez reuniting, fans around the world are wondering whether their never-ending relationship can continue. We will be the first to admit that we like these two ideas to solve problems for the following reasons.

1. They grow together in the spotlight and understand how it feels to build relationships in the public eye.


2。 Justin still missed the days when his relationship with Serena was unbreakable. Since they broke up two years ago, none of them has found a new permanent normal distribution.

4。 They continue to express their love and respect for each other to the media.

5。 Both have written and recorded many songs about their relationship.

6。 They don't care who doesn't approve of rekindling their romance. Their level of success is the same, so there is no room for jealousy and inferiority. Justin and Selena have similar backgrounds, they have experienced great difficulties. They are older, smarter, and more willing to take a relationship seriously without much drama.


10。 It looks good together.



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