Demi Lovato's latest instagram is everything


The quarrel between friends is one of the worst things in life. Years ago, the rift between old friends Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato broke the hearts of fans. During their social gathering, Demi dealt with serious physical and drug abuse problems, while Selena and Justin Bieber had a bad relationship, In Taylor Swift's power team. Although the ex boyfriend seems destined to never speak again, everyone is shocked by the two people's re establishment of contact through social media, mutual attention on instagram and exchange of sweet birthday microblogs. Demi is ecstatic and they are on the road to becoming friends again. She released the best instagram today, expressing her support for Serena's new single "the same old love" and consolidating their new friendship. This photo shows that when Serena leans on Demi's shoulder, they make silly faces. ".. Friends for many years, the pain and friction of the past have passed. I'm glad to see these two people get back together and support each other's cause! Are you excited that Demi and Selena are back in the best boyfriend category?



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