Baby ideas



when your baby looks up at you and smiles brightly, she naturally wants to know what's on her mind. Is she happy? Is she studying? What makes her smile, think and communicate? Just as adults learn through experience and communication, so do babies. Connecting and connecting with your baby requires attention to nonverbal cues and improving her learning ability so that these smiles, cues, and giggles can last into adulthood. How does your baby communicate with you? Alicia Clark, a practicing clinical psychologist in Washington, D.C., said, "please leave a message below to let us know.

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experience promotes learning

infants learn through experience. " Early on in language meaning, babies learn to use their basic senses and take everything, "she said. If you've ever wondered why your baby focuses on noise, interaction and bright colors, it's because he's absorbing knowledge and learning. Clark says the best thing a new parent can do is to keep the baby excited and interested without feeling overwhelmed or bored.

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follow your baby's footsteps Alicia Clark, a psychologist in Washington, D.C., says that to help your baby learn is to follow his footsteps. " "Before they catch something, they like to stare at the world around them and often seem to be studying it," Clark said. Pay attention to where the baby's eyes are wandering, interact with him, make faces, and stimulate his thinking by talking about the objects he is focusing on at present. " Interacting with children is fun and one of the best ways to help them learn, "Clark said. Alana McKeen, founder of the Ontario sleep website and a registered sleep consultant, said. Babies and children may need up to 12 hours of sleep per night, rather than 7 to 8 hours for adults. " When they get better rest, their brains are like sponges, absorbing a lot of new information, they are better learners, "she said. "When babies sleep, they can sort and process information," McKinley said. The better they rest, the more able they are to learn new skills and new developments in their first year when they are awake, "she said.

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bright light and color

at six weeks, the baby's vision is well formed. Alicia Clark, a practicing clinical psychologist in Washington, D.C., said that although it was not perfect, babies were born with a strong preference for brightness and contrast. "It means babies like strong colors and contrast and benefit from visual stimulation," she said. By showing the baby colorful objects and images, help the baby expand their thinking. Because babies react to facial expressions and familiar sounds, interact with children, and explore bright lights and strong colors.

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imagination station

baby's imagination has been crazy since the first day. In fact, the cognitive abilities of infants and young children are often underestimated, or even underestimated by psychologists, according to Alison Gopnik, a psychology professor at the University of California, Berkeley, in a 2010 paper published in Scientific American. Gopnik reports that babies can master causality and even imagine other people's experiences. Even if your baby can't communicate in language, his behavior often shows what he's thinking. For example, have you ever wondered why your child would reach for a specific object, or climb to one object instead of another? According to Gopnik, infants use causal rationalization to predict outcomes. If your child suspects that a block will be suitable for a specific time slot, he is more likely to choose the time slot suitable for the block so far through repeated trials.

Credit: digital vision. Alicia Clark, a licensed clinical psychologist in Washington, D.C., who has been emotional feeding since infant learning, said: "infants are highly dependent on the senses, especially the internal experience of hunger and digestion. It is not only to meet the basic needs of children to respond to their needs for food and digestive help, but it teaches The feeling that the child is being taken care of emotionally, "she said. Many times, feeding provides parents with an opportunity to raise and connect with their babies. Fortunately, these special moments also contribute to the emotional development of children.

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face recognition

if your baby responds by smiling or staring face to face, it is likely that he is processing and learning these interactions. According to the city children's Institute, newborns can recognize people's faces and instantly distinguish between happy and sad expressions. In fact, your baby can't have too much face-to-face communication, "says Alicia Clark, a psychologist in Washington, D.C. Interaction with faces is the beginning of social development and the beginning of children's learning about the world's connections, "she said. Snuggling face to face not only helps to anger your thoughts about our children, but it also strengthens your bond. The credit: Mary frastieri / digital vision / Getty Images

combination time

a baby takes every experience to the world around him. From feeding to changing diapers, he is learning how to contact and communicate with caregivers. One of the best ways to improve your child's ability to learn and connect with him is to have fun with him at all times. " Use your creativity and let your side shine because having fun is just as important as changing diapers and putting babies to sleep, "said Joan Harper, a Virginia lawyer. Finding ways to spend time with your baby can make your work more intimate and lay a solid foundation for your baby's growth. "Start with a quick game and bathe in your soothing voice for a night. Your baby is learning how to connect emotionally and how to communicate.

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sensory stimulation

with the change of seasons, it is difficult for many adultsAdapt to different climate and daily life. Just as the weather stimulates people to wear jackets or extra socks, babies need stimulation to adapt and learn how to deal with various environments. According to the U.S. Department of health and human services' child welfare information portal, all children need to be nurtured and stimulated to grow up healthily. Children can feel changes in their environment, both negative and positive. When the baby is raised by touching and talking, it is easy for the baby to adapt to the environment and family stimulation. " The U.S. Department of health and human services reports that without these - if a child's caregiver is indifferent or hostile - the child's brain development could be impaired. Credit: sky view / photodisc / Getty Images The U.S. Department of health and human services' child welfare information portal says babies are born with the ability to absorb the environment and recall it unconsciously. Your baby will soon understand that a smile will pay off, or that she can walk with one foot in front of the other. According to the U.S. Department of health and human services, in the end, her brain will automatically prompt crawling, walking and natural response, because memory has been implanted in her brain. As the baby's brain develops emotionally and socially, memory also helps the baby attach, connect and respond to loved ones.

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it's your turn

How do you pay attention to your baby's learning? Have you noticed anything special about your baby's communication skills? Share how your child contacts, interacts and communicates with you.

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