Interesting facts you don't know


Among all the upcoming teen movies, super bad movie is a time-honored movie. Three friends spent a happy and warm night on the way to the senior three party. However, no matter how many times you have seen this interesting movie, these 12 interesting facts may be unknown to you!


1。 The first draft of "super bad" was written by Seth Logan at the age of 13 and co-author Evan Goldberg. Columbia Pictures/Giphy

2。 No real wine is part of the shoot. Water, apple juice and non-alcoholic beer are used as substitutes. Michael Cera's mother read the script first and urged him to audition. Columbia film / giphy

4. The original title of the film was a painful ending. Columbia Pictures/Giphy

5。 In the movie, the f word is used 186 times. Columbia Pictures/Giphy

6。 The opening dance step comes from an hour of Michael Serra improvising on the spot. Columbia film / giphy


7. Justin played a role in the film, but he eventually got to the floor of the editing room. Columbia Pictures / giphy pictures / giphy

9. The brother of co-author Evan Goldberg is the man who painted all the penises in the film. Ha ha Columbia Pictures / giphy

10. Michael Serra won't make a sequel because he thinks it's "unnecessary.". Columbia Pictures/Giphy

11。 When Jonah Hill's character appeared in the film, Emma stone's reaction was entirely improvised. Columbia Pictures/Giphy

12。 Jonah hill was initially considered too old for the role. He was 23, 17. Columbia Pictures / giphy



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