#Five reasons why we miss Amanda Baines


From about 2003 to 2006, every teenage girl was about Amanda Baines. She used to be funny in all these ways, but when she was on the big screen of what girls want, we were all fascinated by her. When she was with a young Channing Tatum after "brokenhearted," we were all fascinated. Things have improved in recent years, but let's reflect on our beloved Amanda Baines. On the FBF, we miss teenage Amanda Baines for five reasons:

1 - she makes awkward waving cute.


2 - she always plays the same crazy girl, she always falls into crazy pranks. How comforting!

3 - although she is a small person, she feels that she can connect with others.

4 - she uses wisdom and humor to attract those handsome guys.

5 – she successfully created a very strange fashion in the early 2000's.


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