#Dean from Gilmore girl is actually the worst 8 Reasons


With the replay of four episodes, everyone is thinking about Gilmore Girls. We've been talking about Jess, but today Let's talk about our old friend Dean Forrest. As we all know, a young padaleki played Rory's first boyfriend before joining supernatural, a show that could be on TV forever. Dean was supposed to be a cool, boring stranger at first, but a few seasons later, he became the number one partner of star. Here are eight of dean's worst reasons:

1. . We'll tell him, but besides that, he's basically one of the girls in Gilmore, watching movies and eating junk food, but there's no wisdom or clever jokes. He's constantly grumbling – . Whimper, whimper, whimper. He's basically Rory's most needed Chihuahua partner. You know he wasn't so secretly interested in Lorelei's entire series - if Gilmore Girls were another teen show, say Sen Creek or O.C. Dean and Lorelei, there would be a shameful relationship. Fortunately, Gilmore Girls are more classic than that, but still. Dean's demands on Rory's mother are poor.


4。 He makes Jesse look like a shrimp - I see Jared padaleki can't help saying he's a man's giant, but he sometimes makes Jesse look like a baby, which is not cool.

5。 He is possessive, and the town has been separated by Jesse and Rory for a long time - Dean and his whole sad dog atmosphere keep Rory away from many good days with Jesse. I mean, it really took a minute until Dean grew a pair and dumped her. But don't forget Dean dumped Rory at the ball. This proves that he is the worst!

6。 He has never forgotten Rory – to be honest, has he tried? We know Rory is a jerk, she is hard to get rid of, because she is beautiful, smart, cool, everything, but he married a girl directly, and he still deeply loves Rory. You're too bad, Dean.

7。 His teenage wife tried to please him, but he didn't have GAF - poor, lovely Lindsay! She tried to be a great young woman's wife. She took him on a picnic at the workplace, made him a perfect dinner all day, and Dean gave him nothing. He's fighting with her because of his cell phone and hitting Rory!

8。 He's a liar - Dean betrayed his wife. More than once. He is the worst!



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