It's amazing to make your children eat healthy



from bribery ("if you want dessert, you need to eat your broccoli") to begging ("please have a bite of pumpkin?!") Parents will do almost everything to make their children eat better. The best way to do this is to let your children eat what you've prepared and develop healthy eating habits, although it may be to stop trying. Here are some surprising and simple ways to help children learn to eat right and develop healthy habits for the rest of their lives. Make: try the same food many times. If you want your children to eat better, the key is that child nutrition expert Ellyn satter says, it's not forcing them. He is the author of my child: feeding with love and reason. She advises parents to decide when and where to feed, and children to decide how much and if they want to eat. Children usually need to eat 15 to 20 times to like it. They may want to touch it, watch you eat it, lick it, or even try to spit it out. Vegetables are especially challenging for some children, so even if you fail the first four times, patience will pay off. Now listen to me.

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don't: just provide food that your child already likes

combine newer, less popular food with favorite food. Doris Fredericks, co-founder of the children's feeding collaboration, said. But expect your child to eat only one or two things, not everything you put on the plate. Fredericks admits that it can be tiring to prepare food for children not to eat, but adds that you should not give up. Your child may only eat bread at dinner, but they will come in time to eat all kinds of food. Time may vary from day to day. If you are worried about your child's diet, child nutrition expert Ellyn satter suggests asking your pediatrician to give your child multivitamins.


do: prioritize family meals

a 2011 study by the University of Illinois showed that child members who eat with their families five or more fruits and vegetables a week are 25% less likely to suffer from nutritional health problems. And eating three or more meals a week at home reduces the risk of eating disorders or being overweight. It's helpful to encourage your children to try new dishes themselves when they are watching you enjoy a wide variety of foods. Even if they claim they are not hungry, let the children sit with you for a few minutes. You may have to make sacrifices to prioritize family meals, but the rewards are considerable.

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don't: feed children on the move

if you give them food or drink every time they want to eat, it's a challenge to let them sit down and have a real meal at best. It's OK to drink water for your child at any time, but in addition, you should arrange breakfast, Chinese food in the morning, lunch, snacks in the afternoon, dinner and snacks before bed. Children's stomachs are small, so they need to eat something between meals to get through. Ellyn satter, a child nutrition expert, suggests reminding them that fast food time will soon come after they have eaten. Sit down for a snack and put two or three foods on the table instead of just providing what you get when you run.

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do: let your children serve themselves

instead of providing your children with anything on the table or what you want they will like, just use the bowl and let them eat by themselves. " "Even if they were asked to pour milk from a small pitcher, it would make a big difference," said nutritionist Doris fredrix. "You can help guide them to eat the right amount of children and assure them that if they are still hungry, there will be more to eat," she said. But don't let them clean the dishes. Children can't be expected to know exactly how much satisfaction they need. Having them eat everything on their plate will only make them ignore their hunger and satiety. Seventy percent of 16 month olds provide alternatives when their children don't eat what they think is enough. It's tempting to offer a peanut butter sandwich or macaroni and cheese when a child refuses to eat anything else on the table. However, making a second meal for the children is not good for you both. You will start to hate eating separately, and giving in will only encourage them to refuse new food. Instead, stick to your position. Hope your child can find something to eat on the table. If not, or not a lot, they can make it up later in the day.

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do: let your children try food in your backyard before they appear on the table. Take them to the grocery store and ask them to pick a fruit they've never tried. Ask them to help you prepare the meal. You can also add food to activities like reading, doing experiments or drawing, says Doris Fredericks, a nutritionist with other children. For example, buy a children's book about gardening from the library. " "Don't make a fuss, just read it," she said. You can talk about red, yellow and orange tomatoes, and then next week, introduce them as part of a meal. "

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don't: force your child to try to bite. Negotiating with your kids will only torture you both. Child nutrition expert Ellyn satter said children learn to eat because they learn to enjoy food, not because they have to suffocate it. She added that when the children were eating at her home, she told them that anything on the table was welcome, and that if they couldn't find something they liked, it didn't matter if they didn't eat anything. If a child can comfortably sit at the table and choose from the existing food, he will expand his food range and try more food. If the child is anxious and miserable, he will never learn to try anything.

: bbrrn / Istok / Getty image H3>: serving "fast" from time to time"It's an impossible dream to keep your child out of touch with it," said Ellyn satter, an expert in foster care. Turning junk food into a fast means that your children will eat too much if they have a chance. On the contrary, it is necessary to eat such food regularly to avoid being forbidden. For example, include chips and lunch sandwiches, or occasionally offer cookies and milk as snacks to sit down (when candy doesn't compete with other foods). Let your kids do what they want so they can learn to focus on their satiety.

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don't: food as reward

food should not be bargaining chips. According to nutritionist Doris Fredericks, when you tell a child that they have to eat carrots before they eat anything else, it makes them think that what you insist on eating is better than what they have to eat. Creating a positive learning environment during meal time is the key. 2 to 6 years old is the best time for children to learn good eating habits, which will last for the rest of their lives. According to child nutrition expert Ellyn satter, 80% to 90% of parents are obsessed with their children's diet. Unfortunately, it will only backfire. When parents relax, children become more adventurous. Achievements: markonovkov / iStock / Getty Images

do: make healthy diet an interesting activity

make healthy diet interesting. Hold a tasting at snack time. Nutritionist Doris Fredericks said that maybe you'll take out a carrot with a top on it, and then dip it in carrot coins, some cooked carrots and some raw carrot sticks. Or if it's star fruit, show them the whole fruit, then cut it with them, show them the shape. Let them see the food, touch it, and smell it before they taste it. It doesn't matter if they don't want to try. The idea is just for them to explore and have fun. > simulkabb / itcok / Getty image


: don't make dessert exceed

unlike other foods, dessert should be limited to one. Ellyn satter, a child nutrition expert, said that desserts are easier to learn to like than vegetables, so they have an unfair advantage. If you let children eat desserts, they will take a simple approach. If you really decide to eat dessert, she added, bring it with the rest of the meal so your child can eat it anytime, anywhere, before, during or after anything else. In this case, it's just another part of a meal, not something special.

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What do you think? Do you have kids? Is it hard for you to make them eat healthy? Have you tried anything on the list? What advice didn't come to you? Which do you think you will try? Do you have any other suggestions? Share your suggestions and questions in the comments below!

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