Category - Funny

10 Most Dangerous Selfies Ever Taken

Ah selfies – the social media phenomenon which has swept the internet by storm. All you need is the average smartphone, which comes complete with a basic digital camera and possibly a selfie stick, and you’re good to go! We all have that...

15 Tips and Tricks of Making Perfect Selfies

All over the world millions of people take, or just try to take selfies, but most of them are the same, too sexy and boring. If you really want unique selfies, learn from the queen of the selfies, from Kim Kardashian. Who from time to time...

Top 10 Most Popular Baby Names And Their Origins

Are you expecting? Are you in the process of picking out a name for your bundle of joy? This comprehensive list will tell you not only the top ten baby names for 2017, but also give you a glimpse at the origins of the name and the meaning...