34 Perfectly-Timed Photos That Will Leave You Speechless


They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. However, the kind of pictures which leave you utterly lost for words, usually require some key ingredients. A camera or smart phone would be a basic starting point. A good photographer, with a sense of composition, aesthetics and some technical knowledge would also be extremely helpful. A photogenic subject and imposing setting can do no harm. But for the kind of photos which really leave the audience astounded, a sense of timing is a key requirement. Serendipity and being in the right place at the right time, then brings it all together. We’ve managed to track down 15 photos which bring together these ingredients and which are guaranteed to leave you gobsmacked!


1. Bummer Cat


courtesy of: memes.com

Known anyone who’s ever shared a place with a feline (because certainly no human can own a cat – it’s quite possibly the other way round, actually!)? Well they are sure to tell you that cats just love to get in everyone’s business. The old adage, curiosity got the cat, has withstood the test of time for a reason! Want to be acknowledged and revered (possibly). They want to make friends and own their humans and pretty much anyone they get into contact with. And in the cat world, social interaction starts off with a good butt sniff. And the wholly unconnected guy on TV has the exact reaction we get when an oblivious cat sidles up to an unsuspecting human to start off the interactions!

2. Training Wheels

courtesy of: old.bored.com

This is one biker who needs to get his training wheels right back on… And his helmet too! There he is – our intrepid biker – trying to impress the ladies with his stunts and bike-acrobatics. Except for one teensy, little detail. His landing has gone terribly wrong and his front wheel just broke off its axis. With nowhere to go but down, we’re sure that he’s regretting not listening to common sense by wearing his helmet, and safety gear. Hope his broken pride helps soften his landing!

3. Strike a Pose!

courtesy of: sillyfeed.com

This photo is exactly why you shouldn’t be taking any teenage parties too seriously. No matter what the occasion, really. Teenagers can always be trusted to make a bit of a mess of things – they wouldn’t be teenagers otherwise! Here you have it, some little prissy teen – feeling like she’s all that posing amid her throng of suitors. Or not. Really they look like there’ having too much of a carefree good time and are out for having a laugh. Not sure whether one of the boys tippled over the beer by clumsy (albeit well-timed) accident or just to get a good laugh. The timing of the photo is certainly priceless.

4. Eye on The Ball

courtesy of: ofyalcin.com

Talk about getting blindsided by a curveball! The girl in the photo might not have seen that ball coming at her, but we bet that the most gobsmacked expression in this scenario was not the one captured on film. We would have loved to get a glimpse of the photographer’s expression as he saw the ball just going for his model’s jaw!

5. Kissed by an Angel Shark

courtesy of: m.div.bg

These ladies should have been more careful about their handwriting when they were putting thogether their Christmas list. Or Father Christmas should have put on his reading glasses. We’re pretty sure that when they asked for a holiday in paradise, this was most certainly not what they had in mind. Here they are unsuspectingly swimming in the crystalline sea, when an angel shark gets a wee bit too up close and personal. Never fear though, this type of shark tends to be relatively harmless, unless provoked into using its strong jaw. We’re hoping that this is some kind of touristy photo prop, made purely for effect!

6. Background Back Flop

courtesy of: sillyfeed.com

It’s not the teen posing somewhat inanely in the foreground of this holiday snap which has grabbed our attention. We’re focused on the three ladies in the background, standing right at the edge of the pool. Our attention is almost entirely absorbed by the buxom lady dressed in white, who is seconds (literally, seconds!) away from accidentally making a considerably loud (we’re guessing) back flip into the pool.

7. Walk on Water

courtesy of: kulturebuzz.fr

Ah, Spring Break! Ah, the memories. The booze, the music, the parties… The supernatural abilities, as demonstrated by this guy who is so in love with his lady (who he is diligently carrying in his arms) as he walks across the swimming pool, right over the water! Nah – it’s just a childish prank caught just as they are about to enter the water. Hope the girl’s mascara is waterproof… and that nobody peed in the pool!

8. Mirror Image

courtesy of: www.sgxl.nl

Not such a common sight in general, dragonflies are somewhat of the cuties of the insect world, which rank right after butterflies and ladybirds. We think that this particular dragonfly must have been struck by cupid and is trying to get close to its potential mate (read: tattooed image of dragonfly). Perhaps this is all part of a fairy tale and the tattoo will come to life and fall in love with him? Here’s to wishful thinking, at any rate!

9. Way to Stand Out

courtesy of: bridoz.com

Military parades are usually a show of strength, with rows and rows of identical-looking soldiers, moving in unison, as though one sole entity. Except for this guy. He might be trying to set himself apart from the rest by being original (by yawning?). Perhaps this is all a call for attention as an individual human being rather than a faceless uniform. Perhaps he simply does not get the concept of steely military discipline and needs to reconsider his career choices. However, we’re betting that he is actually from the hangover which resulted from the epic night out he had the day before. Ladies do love a man in uniform!


12. Fun in The Sand

courtesy of: funtime.ge

This photo looks like it’s been taken fresh out of a modern-day rendition of Gulliver’s travels – particularly his visit to Lilliput with its miniature inhabitants, but it’s really just a happy coincidence of a child munching on taco chips, carefree in the sun. The background scenery and crystalline waters are a feast for the eyes!

13. The Right Plane, at The Right Time

courtesy of: warnet.ws

This billboard is a great advertising ploy and in face seems to have been made specifically for moments like this. Even if you’re not a big fan of being bombarded by advertising messages 24/7 – you’ve got to admit that this high-flying advert really takes the cake!

This billboard is a great advertising ploy and in face seems to have been made specifically for moments like this. Even if you’re not a big fan of being bombarded by advertising messages 24/7 – you’ve got to admit that this high-flying advert really takes the cake!

14. Head Over Heels

courtesy of: wikr.com

Parents are constantly checking on their kids. In fact, most are guilty of being overprotective – out of the best intentions, of course. Here’s a dad checking in on this son, bending over him protectively to look in his son’s eyes. He is so absorbed by his son that he is utterly unaware of the fact that seen from the outside, their interaction together makes a rather quizzical picture!

15. Horsing Around

courtesy of: www.youtube.com

Numerous studies prove that the bond between man and animal can be mutually beneficial. And as any animal-lover can tell you, there are few things in the world which can compare to the powerful yet unassuming, simple yet intense bond that can be forged between the two. Plus, good-natured, sensitive and regal animals like horses can also be lots of fun to hang around with!

 16. On-The-Job-Sportscaster Selfie

courtesy of: alswedia.se

Note to sportscasters: when you’re that close to mobile sports equipment in action, keep your eye on the ball – lest it hit you in the head! This beautiful sportscaster might very well be taking a selfie to uploading on social media and celebrate her success at having made it out of the news reporting room and out onto the field. But she really should be paying attention at her surroundings!


17. Knock Out Pic

courtesy of: cyberspaceandtime.com

Boxing is a full-on contact sport, which is why it is not for the faint hearted. Here’s a great pic of the two opponents in a match coming to blows, a split second before the gloves come into contact with one of the boxer’s head! The graphic images depicts the sheer force unleashed by the athletes’ muscles as they tense and prepare to rain down punches on each other. Ouch is definitely the word that comes to mind!

18. Getting to Grips With Wrestling

courtesy of: blog.joins.com

To all you foodies, please note that this is an actual sport, which consists of more than wrestling your will to have a trim waistline in grim opposition to your severe midnight snack cravings. The image shows it all as the combatants to maintain a superior position over their opponents in this popular contact sport, which includes techniques like clinch fighting, throws, takedowns, joint locks, pins and grappling holds. However, we remain unsure as to exactly which of these moves have led to this quasi-strangling position, but never mind!

19. True Grit

courtesy of: www.cleverzombie.com

Here’s one determined diver, struggling with all his might to strike the water below at exactly the right angle, making the exact perfect form as he hits the water below, with the minimum possible splash. Wouldn’t just diving into the pool feet-first, be more fun, we wonder? Definitely less elegant and physically demanding, but definitely more fun!

20. Flying Base Balls

courtesy of: www.wsj.com

If you thought you were having a bad day, just think of this guy, who was just struck in the nether regions by a baseball travelling at goodness only knows how many miles per hour! The screwed expression on his face really says it all. Not to mention the photographer catching him at the exact right moment which makes him look like he’s reaching out to strike another player below the belt!

21. Eye Ballin’

courtesy of: blog.joins.com

It’s thankfully a light and compact ping pong ball, so the damage from the direct hit to this player’s face will be minimal. But being struck in the eye by a flying object is certainly no laughing matter. What gave us the giggles, on the other hand, was the timing of the photographer, who caught the cartoon-type shot just in time to make the ping pong ball appear to be the player’s eye.

22. Simon Says Jump… High!

courtesy of: www.dagbladet.no

Remember the exhilaration of trying to ace a high jump as a teen, at the track? How many times did you curse the heavens for having dislodged the horizontal bar, or even worse, for having failed to make the jump altogether? Well, this athlete is having none of it. She’s got her eye on that bar, and she’s making damned sure that it doesn’t come crashing down to the ground! Look at her frozen in tension as though holding that bar in place by sheer will.

23. Air-Powerboats

courtesy of: zvratenyhumor.sk

Notice how the powerboats go so fast that they literally seem to be flying across the water’s surface? Well this driver wanted to literally make the boat fly… so fast, so furious, so outtacontrol! Unfortunately, as the powerboat reached quasi-supersonic speeds it seems to catch the air current generated by the waves, under the hull and overturn, mid-air. The driver got thrown out of the boat, hitting the water with a loud splash, even before the sprawling boat.

24. Bromance on the Field

courtesy of: alliswall.com

Playing in a team is all about working with your mates, in synchronicity almost as one. It’s no wonder that some team mates become very, very close friends. The photographer caught the unfortunate surname on the shirt of the opposing team’s player – giving the bromance a whole new level of meaning.

25. Nosey Opponent

courtesy of: www.sgxl.nl

There’s nothing worse than having an opponent covering you and getting all up in your business. On the basketball court, this can translate into a large 7-foot tall player shadowing your every move, in a bid to hamper your style and do everything under the sun to stop you from scoring. This guy literally gets his fingers up his opponent’s nose, as he tries to stop him from making that basket, in vain.

26. Kung Fu Riding

courtesy of: ikonal.com

Yeah, we know – the song is about Kung Fu Fighting. Unfortunately the same cannot be said about this match. The Olympic competitor in blue feels so superior to his lacklustre opponent, that he actually rides him like a pony. We’re not sure whether there are any hidden messages here, but we’re not going to delve any deeper on this one!

27. Up Close and Personal on the Basketball Court

courtesy of: m.div.bg

An overzealous jump to get the ball in the hoop, and an opponent marking mindlessly results in… well, this super awkward sports photo. The horrified look on the shooter’s face, kinda says it all! He is totally appalled at his opponent’s accidentally licking his hairy armpit. At least we hope his deodorant held up!

28. Foot-Groin Impact

courtesy of: www.ulequ.com

Talk about the wrong tackle at the wrong time. Soccer is becoming an increasingly competitive and aggressive sport. The photo shows an intense, albeit accidental impact, causing some serious pain, no doubt, to the player in stripes, who must have just jumped to give the ball a header. Ouch!

29. For Love of the Game

courtesy of: www.caak.mn

The concept of fair play is being given plenty of importance in European soccer – and it’s all about staying true to the game and keeping an ethical and honest competitive spirit. These two players from opposing teams, seem to be taking fair play to a whole new lovin’ level.

30. Hitting the Wrong Balls

courtesy of: blog.joins.com

Sports which require a high level of physical dexterity can give result in some rather unpleasant injuries. Here basketball somehow got turned into soccer, with one player accidentally kicking the other in the groin. By the looks of it, the player who was accidentally kicked, literally had his wind blown out of him!

31 .Striking a Pose… Not the Ball!

courtesy of: ylilauta.org

The caption on this image, is the only apt thing happening here. The unfortunate and totally hapless volleyball player captured on film seems to very carefully expecting the ball to just plop into her outstretched hands. However, she seems to have forgotten that part of the skill of playing volleyball is following the ball’s trajectory!

32. Piggyback Soccer

courtesy of: pf.okalea.com

Famed Manchester United player Rio Ferdinand somehow finds himself prostrate over a football, while his opponent seems adamant about getting a piggyback ride out of the situation. Not sure whether the players are confused as to whether they are playing American football or European soccer, but it makes for  an amusing image, anyways!

33. Batting for the Audience

courtesy of: www.sharenator.com

It’s usually the ball which gets thrown at the audience. So there’s no surprise here when the audience at a baseball game seems to be dodging and crouching away from the incoming bat. Unfortunately one of the audience members takes the bat head on. It looks pretty painful, but we hope he got away with just a couple of bruises!

34. Clowning Around


courtesy of: blog.joins.com

Another comical and well timed photo, where a table tennis player is captured just as she’s about the strike the ball, which appears to be sitting right on her nose, as though a clown’s nose, only white!



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