What happens if you start running every day?



Female athlete running outdoors on highway. Beautiful young woman training running on a rainy day.

Many people dream of leading a healthy lifestyle and want to go jogging. Everyday running is one of the most effective, affordable, and popular physical activities. Everyone understands this, but most would-be runners complain that they don’t have the time and energy to run every day.

But it often happens that there is both time and energy, but there is no banal motivation. For motivation to appear, you need to know exactly how everyday running affects your body and your life in general.

What happens if you run every day? Now we will find out the answer to this important question.

Extra pounds go away, as if they never existed

If you jog for half an hour every day in the morning or in the evening, then it is quite possible to lose a few extra pounds without exhausting diets. All unnecessary calories during a run are simply burned. In a month, you can get rid of 3-7 kg.

But do not forget that the human body is able to adapt to any type of physical activity. Therefore, you should not be surprised if 30-35 days after your first run, your body gets used to the fact that you run every day, and finds reserves in order to save energy. Because of this, the process of losing weight can not only slow down but even stop altogether.

To prevent this from happening, keep running every day, but gradually increase your speed. Also, do not forget about proper nutrition.

Metabolism improves

Any physical activity makes the human body learn to work with substances and energy. Everyday running is an intense cardio workout. This means that by running every day, you improve your metabolism.

It is scientifically proven that within one to two hours after running, the metabolism accelerates by 25-35%. If you combine daily running, nutrition, and strength training correctly, then slow metabolism can be forgotten once and for all. The nutrients in the food will be much better absorbed by your body.

Improves the work of the cardiovascular system

It has been proven that a person who runs every day reduces their risk of becoming a victim of cardiovascular diseases by 40-45%. Everyone knows that while running, the heart is actively exercising. It happens as follows:

  • you start jogging, and your heart rate begins to gradually increase;
  • an increase in the number of heartbeats “forces” the heart to work faster to effectively cope with this load;
  • the heart muscle is gradually strengthened.

By doing everyday jogging, you give the heart muscle an unusual load for it. The body, in order to successfully cope with this load and adapt to new conditions, begins to increase the endurance of the heart, strengthen it and increase strength. In a month, you will get rid of tachycardia, and you will feel much better. Your heart will beat evenly and rhythmically, and your blood vessels will dilate, which will improve the supply of nutrients to your tissues.

Everyday jogging not only has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system but also increases blood circulation, thanks to which the body is saturated with oxygen.

The respiratory system is developing

Swedish scientists, having carried out many studies and experiments, have scientifically proven that everyday jogging significantly improves the functioning of the upper respiratory tract. After a while, you won’t even remember about shortness of breath, because your lungs will work correctly.

Running every day makes it much easier and easier to quit smoking. If you are a heavy smoker but want to say goodbye to this bad habit, then daily jogging is exactly what you need!

Immunity is strengthened

When a person runs, his internal organs are massaged in a natural way, their nutrition and oxygen supply are qualitatively improved. After a month and a half from the beginning of everyday jogging, you will no longer be bothered by such chronic diseases:

  • cholecystitis;

  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis.

People who practice everyday jogging note that their immunity has noticeably strengthened. They practically do not get sick with colds or flu. And if they do get sick, then no more than one or three times a year in a very mild form. In addition, they recover faster from accidental illnesses.


Cancer prevention

Many world-famous researchers and scientists believe that cancer occurs due to the fact that a person has low immunity.

For the first time, Ernst van Aaken, who is a renowned physician, recognized jogging specialist, and trainer of many famous runners started talking about this. For four years, the man monitored two groups of people, each of which included 500 people. In the first group, there were people who practiced daily running, and in the second – people who led a sedentary lifestyle. For 4 years in the first group, four people fell ill with cancer, who continued to run after the operation. In the second group, eighteen people fell ill with cancer, ten of them died.

This is explained by the fact that in people who make everyday jogging, the nonspecific defenses of the body are activated. Because of this, the activity of lymphocytes, which destroy cancer cells, increases several times.

It is worth noting that the American Cancer Society, back in 1985, included wellness daily jogging in the Cancer Prevention Program.

The condition of the skeletal system improves

Jogging every day can help you avoid arthritis or osteoporosis in the future. Running helps to strengthen bones and improve overall skeletal health much better than any other aerobic activity.

But do not forget that running strongly affects the knee joints. Therefore, you need to run only in high-quality sneakers with a sole that has good shock-absorbing characteristics.

Prevention of impotence

Men who lead a sedentary lifestyle very often have problems with erection. Running stimulates blood circulation in the prostate gland.

If you start to run regularly, then your potency will delight you and your soul mate until old age.

Joint functions are restored

While running, a person begins to sweat actively, due to which the body gets rid of toxins and excess salt. This helps to reduce swelling and activate the muscles, which helps them to train effectively and build the necessary strength.

If you train your muscles well, they will help restore the natural functions of the joints.

Slows down the natural aging process

Do you want to look young and attractive for as long as possible? You should not make an appointment with a plastic surgeon or buy other expensive “magic” cosmetics. Just run every day!

In addition, American scientists have proven that everyday jogging:

  • positively affect life expectancy;
  • are an excellent prevention of vision loss after 65-70 years.

The female reproductive system is restored

During jogging, the muscles of the lower body are noticeably loaded, and the blood flow to the pelvic organs is increased. It has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system.

For girls who have problems with menstruation or who cannot get pregnant, jogging every day is a must!

Improves sleep

If you have any sleep problems, then a daily evening run is exactly what the doctor ordered! After an evening run, your mood will not only improve, but insomnia will also disappear!

Within a few weeks of starting your running training, you will fall asleep quickly and without problems, and your sleep will be healthy and sound. Having a good night’s sleep, in the morning a person will feel vigorous, full of energy, and desire to work.

Self-esteem rises


When you go for a run, your body begins to release endorphins and serotonin, which many experts call the “happiness hormone.” Thereby:

  • mood improves markedly;
  • signs of depression disappear;
  • apathy disappears;

  • performance improves;
  • the tension is relieved.

Running every day, you develop such qualities as purposefulness, concentration, activity. If you jog in the morning, then you can optimize your work schedule without any problems. All of this helps to improve your self-esteem.


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