How to Make Exercise Less Boring and More Fun?




“Exercise is so boring!” is one of the most common reasons people cite for not exercising! However, you will change your mind when you see how much nicer your body look and how much better it feels when you do exercise. The simple truth is that whatever activities you do, you have to pick ones you enjoy.

There are so many choices of sports or exercises available nowadays. And, remember, you don’t always have to stick with the same choice – vary your activities to prevent boredom setting in. For aerobic fitness, you can combine walking with cycling and swimming or stepping. In fact there is an extra benefit to doing this, since you will also be using slightly different muscles for the various aerobic activities, thus achieving a better all-round toning and strengthening effect.

Another way to prevent boredom setting in is to pick those activities you can do with other people. For instance, you could join a walking or cycling club (or even form your own), go to an exercise class with a friend, or (when you are reasonably fit) take up competition in your chosen sport. Really, the only limit to the possibilities is your own mind!


Lastly, people with a low boredom threshold can try building more activities into their daily life (e.g. simple exercises in the office or home). If you have a mental block about ‘formal’ exercise, the idea that you can improve your fitness while you go about your everyday life is an appealing one.

There’s no need to be a slave to exercise, so make sure you set yourself reasonable exercise targets, say, three short sessions a week of something you like, rather than impossible ones you’ll never stick to, such as an hour a day doing a floor routine to a video. Remember, it’s much better to do a little of something you like, than a lot of something you don’t like – and then give up!


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