Top five best soundtrack moments


Soundtrack is the backbone of almost any epic movie scene. There's a suitable song behind your favorite scene, and a movie is incomplete without music. From breakfast clubs to digital, the soundtrack - despite the unfortunate slide these days - is on, and there will always be at least one song that takes you back to the most cinematic scene in the movie. I put my five favorite movie soundtrack moments together with a special moment for you to watch, listen to and enjoy.

5。 She's the one (1999) - a sixpence kiss from someone who's not a rich man, we all remember her lovely scene in "she's the one," when Rachel Lee cook's Lanny character was revealed to Freddie prinzer Jr.'s Zach character. Suddenly, Lanny is no longer that silly girl At least until she gets to the bottom of the stairs. There, did it. "Kiss me" is one of the final scenes of teenagers' films in the late 1990s, and it still meets the expectations.

4。 Empire records (1995) - the mace family's "preparation, stability, start"

although Empire records is full of epic soundtrack moments, what I particularly like is the shoplifting chase involving Warren in Brendan Sexton III and Lucas in Rory Cochran. Ethan Embry's mark "shoplifter" scream is epic and won't lie. I always want to appear in the store in such an event, so that I can reproduce the temptation of chaos in the record store in the 1990s. Unfortunately, in your opinion, this has not yet happened. "Ready, steady, start" makes this scene the most unforgettable scene in Empire records. v=y–hyeBfOQ

3。 Twilight (2008) - Muse's supermassive black hole


love them or hate them - you can't deny that the soundtrack that makes up the Twilight series is serious. The first movie in the series, twilight, was a hit, with the Cullen baseball stadium the most popular. Featuring the "supermassive black hole" of Muse, it has become the Anthem of vampire baseball, making the tweeds all over the world try to recreate this scene by themselves, but it doesn't help. However, people can dream. Diversity (2014) - M83's "I need you"

is like twilight City, diversity has created its own fan base, making the anti Utopian city the future people long for. The compression line scene in the first franchise movie clinched the deal for me. Featuring the M83 in "I need you," the film tells of shalene Woodley's role as Tris. As she gets more and more used to fearless life, she goes out of her comfort zone and turns herself (and the audience) into a freer person. This song alone makes me emotional, so imagine a high-energy scene to put into it!

1。 Breakfast Club (1985) - simple minded '"don't forget me"

classic. Eighties. Gemstone. The Breakfast Club has stolen millions of hearts and even inspired some of your favorite musical acts today to recreate the sound of the movie in memory of its 30-year rule. Most striking, however, was the scene on Saturday when the detention ended and new bonds were issued. "Don't forget me" is the most unforgettable soundtrack moment in my book so far. Whenever it is broadcast on the radio, I can't help but feel incredibly dizzy. Without a scene in "mean girl", it would be incomplete, right? It's probably one of the most popular and cited scenes in the movie, and the plastic hall scene is by far the best. Set to "through Dutch", I think it's safe to say that we have "military pants and flip flops" all day. Let us know your favorite movie soundtrack moment!


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