Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers In The World




Passiflora or stratocomvet is nothing more than a liana growing in the tropical forests of Asia, South America and Australia. However, she is so unpretentious that she can easily take root at your house.


The arrow looks like an exotic bird. However, in their homeland, in South America, shooting is simply called a crane. It can be easily planted on the windowsill. However, it should be remembered that its leaves are very poisonous.


The people call psychotry “hot lips.” It grows in the tropical forests of Central and South America. But if desired, psychotria can become a wonderful decoration of your windowsill or home flower garden.


In many cultures, lotus is considered a sacred plant. His head always faces the sun. Lotus petals and its powerful rhizomes are used in cooking. It is an excellent source of vitamin C


Gallica or Gali rose has not only an attractive appearance, but also an incredibly persistent aroma. For this, she is highly appreciated by perfumers and beauticians. And from it cook delicious jams and jams.



An amazing protea grows in Africa. South Africa even calls it its symbol. In addition to its exceptional appearance, the flower contains a large amount of nectar. For this feature, protea in the homeland is often called a “barrel of honey.”


Kudupul is called the most expensive flower in the world. In Sri Lanka, he is considered sacred. Kadupul blooms for only two days. Therefore, seeing it with your own eyes is very rare. And, according to local legends, great luck.

White heron orchid

This delicate flower is surprisingly similar to the wings of a white heron. It is found in eastern Russia: in the Amur Region and Primorye, as well as on the Japanese Islands, where it is especially revered and endowed with supernatural abilities.


Ghazania – looks like a real work of art. Amazingly graphic, as if she had just emerged from under the hands of an experienced draftsman. Despite its South African roots, ghazania easily takes root in our expanses.



Japan and China are considered the birthplace of this amazing flower. There, for some reason, lycoris is ranked among the “flowers of the dead.” Therefore, he is never raised at home. Lycoris perfectly tolerates the climate of our latitudes. Our compatriots, without any prejudice, consider it a wonderful decoration of the home garden.


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