#FBF boys' Music Video


Happy black Friday!! On a shopping day like today, you may want to go back to a quiet Friday. In memory of your sweet spell of nostalgia, let's review some of our favorite music videos of boy band. From Boyz II men to one direction , there are endless wonderful videos of boys' band for decades of fun. Here's a great experience:

98 degrees – "the hardest thing"

they promise to work hard. That's why you can feel the song in your bones.

* nsync – "goodbye"

you know that when the video is paused and JT giggles in front of the camera, your ovaries will explode.

Boyz I I I men – "I'll have sex." You are the most fashionable in the early 1990s. Self reminder: plagiarizing song lyrics can get you hooked.

Backstreet Boys – "everyone"

to be honest - you still know the monster's dance moves.

one way – "the best song ever"

zayn will never get old in drag. Maybe Tyler looks like a girl. Maybe he looks like the cutest boy ever. Who knows!


the new kids in the block – "hangin 'tough"

' dance steps in the 1980s let us all believe that we can become pop stars.

Jonas Brothers – "burnin'up"

Joe Bross is the best. Still hold on!


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